علبة أكسجين معلب 100
هذه حزمة مكونة من 100 علبة أكسجين أصلية، رائعة لجميع أفراد العائلة حيث تقدم علب الأكسجين لمدة شهر. يحتوي على 95% من علبة الأكسجين النقي والممتاز عديم النكهة مع أكثر من 250 استنشاقًا في كل من تلك العلب
الأكسجين الموجود في الهواء بنسبة 21%. إن Swag Oxygen نقي بنسبة 95٪ ومتوفر بحجم كبير يحمل أكثر من 250 عملية استنشاق. محمول وسهل الاستخدام، أينما وأينما تريد.
الأكسجين الموجود في الهواء بنسبة 21%. إن Swag Oxygen نقي بنسبة 95٪ ومتوفر بحجم كبير يحمل أكثر من 250 عملية استنشاق. محمول وسهل الاستخدام، أينما وأينما تريد.
Shipping & Returns
Swag Oxygen - Feed your confidence. We are as pure as our product & our aim is to provide the most premium quality product at the most affordable price shipped across to you as quickly as possible.
Where is this product available at the moment
We have started to accept orders for USA & Canada only at this stage where products will be available to be shipped starting Mid December 2020. Free shipping on all orders over $100. We welcome distributor inquiries or bulk orders from across the world, however individual small orders outside of North America cannot be accepted at this stage. Should you be interested to become a distributor or Sales agent anywhere across the globe please email us at info@swagoxygen.com
When will I receive my order ?
We have started to accept pre-orders for USA at this stage. Products will be shipped out mid december & onwards. Sign up with your details and order number so we can keep you informed of our latest promotions, offers, deals & status of your packages. We will be doing our best to keep up with all orders and ship them as soon as possible. Best way to keep a track of your order is to sign up & subscribe. For all overseas bulk orders & distributor inquiries, please email us at info@swagoxygen.com. Please provide details of your order along with your contact details We will start accepting Individual orders very soon. So stay tuned and sign up for latest offers, deals & promotions. Although we will do our best to ensure you receive your order as soon as possible, please note that we cannot give any guarantees on delivery times other than the guidelines as supplied by our shipping channel partner. We are trying to make the delivery process as smooth, efficient and precise, however due to high demand of our products, we might advise delivery dates that may fall outside the guidelines. We will however assist you in resolving any shipping issues speedily.
Do you accept Returns ?
Unfortunately due to COVID, we are not accepting any returns at this stage in time, unless the product arrived damaged or disoriented. Should the situation changes, we will update here.